Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Assignment #2- iWORK Photoshop Silhouete


The process i took to make my iPod Silhouette was first i picked up any image of a hobby that i did. Then after i uploaded my image to photoshop so i can start my process of making it look like a iPod Silhouette. After I made a outline of my picture of what i wanted to come out on my final image. The next thing i did was copied my outline to another photoshop file then filled in the colors on it. The final thing I dad was printed it out and then waited for my teacher to put it on my shirt.

The reason why I choose this image to copy was because this is my main hobby. I like to work on cars on my spare time, I have always liked to be around cars and how they work. If somebody brings me a car with a problem, ill probably fix it or figure out what is wrong with it. In general my world revolves around cars and that is why I choose this image for this project.

Assignment #1- Cave Painting

1) What are cave paintings?
-Paintings painted on a care or rock walls and ceilings.

2) How old are the oldest paintings?

-The paintings are 32,000 years old.

3) When the Euro

peans first encountered cave paintings, why were they believed to be a hoax?

-They believed that the humans were not advanced to create art.

4) Why are the cave paintings important to study?

-Cave paintings show their authenticity and indicated the high levels of artistry.

5) What were the common themes that these paintings showed?

-Large animals, horses, auricles, and deer.

6) What were the Shamans thought of doing in the caves?

The shaman would retreat into the darkness of the caves, ever into a trance of state then paint images of their visions.

Part II: Caves at Lascaux, France

Uploaded two images and cite website. Write the title of the painting and a brief description/analysis of the painting.

Untitled http://archaeology.org/blog/?p=29

This painting was created by a Shaman who would retreat into the cave and would start to draw their vision in the darkness. It shows to animals either going head to head in a angry way or just simply bonding.

This picture is about a animal trying to break free from something and from the spikes on top of it i believe it was running away from hunters.