Friday, September 30, 2011

Asssingment #6 Pablo Picasso Cubist Painting

Me With a Twist

My Picasso painting is called “Light Shadow”. My main influence on my painting was the color Picasso used. He influenced me to show the significance in my painting, which was light and dark. Picasso used different colors in different era paintings. I wanted my painting to look like Picasso’s are in a way, but yet somehow have my own taste and incorporation in it. In my work of art i used Line, Color, and shape. My biggest incorporation was my face, yet i made it look like a Picasso self portrait.

To create my artwork I worked in the multi media medium. It was as self portrait of myself, in which i took a picture of myself and uploaded it to photo shop. Then I warped and painted my portrait to make it look like a Picasso painting. The assignment was to create a self portrait of yourself, but to make it look like if Picasso had painted it in one of his era’s. I made it look a lot like his cubism period in which Picasso made most of his art work with shapes.

I used Value in my Picasso self portrait painting, on the left side of painting i put very light colors and bright, then to my right side i put dark colors to show the nice and mean side of me. I also used lines to show the edges and where things ended on my portrait. I mostly used it around my face and half of my body. I also used color to show the lightness of my portrait and significance in it. The final element of design i used was shape to resemble to Picasso’s cubism period.

In my portrait I wanted to show two sides of my self, but yet still incorporate Picasso’ style in my painting. On the left side of the painting I put light lines and light color painting on the left side of my face. I put to show how happy i can be, and also nice. On the right side of my face i used dark colors and no lines to show the mean and sad part of me. Overall I used a happy and sad emotions.

Of all the portraits i have made of myself, I believe this portrait was my most successful. It really looks like a Picasso painting. If i could do something to improve, I would take more time in studying Picasso art work to be on point.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Assignment #5 Elements and Principles of Design

Line - an actual or implied mark, path, mass, or edge, where length is dominant

Form - the mass of the shapes

Texture - the structure and minute molding of a surface (rough, smooth, etc.)

Value - the degree of lightness or darkness of a given color

Color - a pigment

Shape - any flat area bound by line, value, or color

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Assignment #4 Pablo Picasso WebQuest

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

1. What is his full name?
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Clito Ruiz y Picasso
2.When was he born?
25th October, 1881 in Malaga in Spain.
3. When did he die?
8th April 1973, Mougins France.
4. Find out the names of his parents,brothers or sisters.
José Ruiz and María Picasso y López, Parents Sister Conchita Y Lola
5. What were the names of Picasso´s wives or lovers? What were their nationalities?
Female Olivier, Holga knokhlova and Maecelle Humbert, Jean Cocateu, Jean Hugo, and Juan Gris.
7. What are his children and grandchildren´s names?
Paul, Maya, Claude, Paloma.

8. Which topics did he paint about?
Women, portraits, scenes, and self portraits.

9.Why did he go away from Spain? Where did he live?
He moved to pursue his career in art, he lived in France for most of his life.
10. In which way did he influence the concept of painting?
His father begin teaching him at a very young age, started painting of age of seven.
11. Main events that influenced his life.
His father mainly influenced his life, started teaching him and giving him lessons at age of seven.
12. Describe some people, objects, and/or animals in his paintings(what they look like,the clothes they are wearing,their personality).
They are posing in random positions. Different girls have different faces, there personality looks very serious.

13. Is there anything special about the people´s faces or bodies?
They are abstract, like there faces are mixed. They are not wearing any clothes at all, their are completely naked. Light colors for their skins, and a lot of women, and only women. Some sitting and some standing.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Assignment #3 How do signs/advertisment visually communicate an idea.

Ads post 9/11
Image A
Image B

1. These signs are communicating the reward of the terrorist who the U.S. believe caused the 9/11 incident in New York on september 11, 2001.
2.A. Image A describes a picture of a hand in handcuffs, very bloody, signifying that U.S. wants Osama, dead or alive.
B. Image B also describes Osama's wanting in the U.S. either dead or alive.
3. Image B captures my attention more because its more old-school, and original. It looks more like old wanting posters.
Political Signs
Image A'08
Image B
1.My signs are communicating power and progress, and also hope towards the 2008 election in the U.S.
2.A. In image A it has a picture of words mixed up and shapes making and spelling out "HOPE"
B. In image B it has a picture of Barack Obama and his election in the United States and the word "PROGRESS" under the picture of his face.
3. The image that captures my attention more is image B because it actually shows Obama's face in it.
CD Cover
Image A
Image B

1.My images communicate there music and who sings it and the name of the album.
2.A. Image A shows a picture of the artist and him playing his instrument.
B. Image B shows the artist posing in the middle with a hat with two sides choosing life over death.
3.I get drawn to image B because i like the artist more than the other in image B.

Candy Wrapper
Image A
Image B

1.My images are representing there quality of candy and the type they are.
2.A. Image A shows a picture of a crunch bar half open.
B. A brown wrapper with milk chocolate on the cover.
3.I like image A with the crunch wrapper because its open and shows the chocolate.
Clothing and Shoe company.
Image A
Image B

1.My signs are communicating there selling of their company.
2.A. Men playing the sport polo with Polo brand shirts.
B. Two guys with basketball outfits holding a basketball.
3. image B catches my attention because of the shoes.

Image A
Image B

1.My signs are communicating there food products have quality and the best form other persuading to buy.
2.A. It shows a picture of a burger and drink fresh off the grill with a soda and words on top.
B. It shows a pizza with a side next to it fresh out the oven. second image captures my eyes first because i like pizza more.