Thursday, December 1, 2011

Assignment #12-Outline

A. We are the 99% and so are you!
B. I am the 99%, I have a college degree and cant find a stable job in this economy.
C. We need to make a movement to change our economy, put pressure on the government for support.
D. Financial transparency, Financial problems, Governments involvement,

A. Financial Transparency
1. Americans are trying to get out of debt, and cant even find a job to make ends meat.
2. EDD doesn't see the necessity of money flow in our economy for non-employed Americans.

B. Financial Problems
1. Current colleges are being occupied and classes being missed due to not being able to afford current tuition's.
2. College graduates jobless still after 6 months of graduating, some even more than 12 months.

C. Governments Involvement
1. The government is not currently involved with the protesters occupying city's.
2. The government is trying to approve more financial aid for people who have filed for unemployment.
3.Government is being forced to make this economy better and accelerate with cash flow.

A. We will make change and proceed with improving our economy.
B. The 99% is joined together and strong and looking overall main problems, such as government involvement, financial problems, and financial transparency.
C. The 99% will take over the 1% and be 100% successful.

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