Monday, January 30, 2012

Semester Reflection

1) Reflect on your final grade in this class. What will you do to either keep the grade you received or how will you genuinely work to improve your grade in this class? (minimum of 5 sentence reflection).

I will continue to do all my work. In the past semester I did all the work that was assigned. I even did the big project to the best of my ability. I contributed the most i could but could only do so much. This semester I will continue to do what I did last semester to have a good grade outcome.

2) What was your favorite project this past semester and why? What was your least favorite project and why?(minimum of 5 sentence reflection).

My favorite project was the one that we did on occupy wall street. It was about a big movement going around the world which we got to film and make a documentary about. My least favorite project was the Picasso self portrait project. I felt like even if we were satisfied with it, Ms ruiz wasn't because it didn't look like "Picasso". I hope to do more projects this semester.

3) How has your senior year been so far? Are you working towards your goals of graduating? If yes, what are you doing to making sure you stay on track? If no, what has been stopping you from reaching the goal of graduating?(minimum of 5 sentence reflection).

My senior year has been great with awesome adventures. I will graduate without a lot of effort needed. i am doing all my work to stay on track and lest absences. Nothing has been stoping me.

4) What are you looking forward to most about graduating high school? (minimum of 5 sentence reflection).
The biggest thing I'm looking forward to graduating high school is not waking up everyday at Seven to get ready. I can now pick my own schedule for college. I can also get a job in the mornings to get spending money for my necceites. I can now finally start my life. The next goal would be graduating college.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Assignment #15

The biggest memory that represents Hayward to me is my whole career playing baseball at sorensdale my whole life in Hayward. Ive always loved baseball My whole life. It's been my favorite sport since I was five years old, my first season of playing baseball i was 6 years old. I played for Tennyson American. For me when I think of Hayward, I think of baseball at the very well known sorensdale park. Baseball in Hayward is what describes me and what Hayward means to me. My family was always there also when I played baseball so it means a lot to me it's just not a sport it's me in Hayward.

Revised Artist

The biggest memory that represents Hayward to me is my whole career playing baseball at sorensdale my whole life in Hayward. Ive always loved baseball My whole life. It's been my favorite sport since I was five years old, my first season of playing baseball i was 6 years old. I played for Tennyson American. For me when I think of Hayward, I think of baseball at the very well known sorensdale park. Baseball in Hayward is what describes me and what Hayward means to me. My family was always there also when I played baseball so it means a lot to me it's just not a sport it's me in Hayward.

When I was a young kid, ever since I was 6 years old. Baseball was my favorite sport, I would play it every day. Baseball is still currently my favorite sport and passion. I remember everyday going to practice and loving the small of fresh cut grass and the smell of the dirt mixed with your over used baseball glove. When game day would come, it would be the best feeling. Saturday games were really packed with all your family members coming to see you play. You never wanted to disappoint them so you would try your best. I would have an amazing bond with my team which was the same for three years straight. Our home baseball field was awsome, it was always clean cut and a blast to play on.

My Future with baseball is looking pretty good. I always seem to go back to my home field in Hayward, just sometimes to play catch and remember all the good games that were played their, and championships we played. All my family knows that field pretty good in which i spent a majority of my week and weekends their playing. My family even grew close to that field.

The best memory of Sorensdale park. Was a TOC game i played which was the semi final game. All my family was their to support me they knew the significance of the game. The magnitude was immense. I hit the winning hit to bring in my fellow team mate. I was in the newspaper after that game. All my team was in it too. My parents were so proud of me being in the newspaper. We ended up going to the championship but loosing 1 to 0 in a hard defeat. But all my great memories spent on that field were great.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Assignment #14 Revised Artist Statement

My Picasso painting is called “Light Shadow”. My main influence on my painting was the color Picasso used. He influenced me to show the significance in my painting, which was light and dark. Picasso used different colors in different era paintings. I wanted my painting to look like Picasso’s are in a way, but yet somehow have my own taste and incorporation in it. In my work of art i used Line, Color, and shape. My biggest incorporation was my face, yet i made it look like a Picasso self portrait.