Thursday, October 27, 2011

Assignment #10-Political Poster Analysis

Image A: Don't Let USA Rule M' sia [Malaysia]: Stop the Free Trade Agreement
2010.54.1043 | OMCA COLLECTIONS

-The documents purpose is to show that don't let the government completely control you like a puppet.
-Bush's was still president during 2006, and Americans were disliking how he was running things.
-This poster uses images of a man with American color jacket using Americans as puppets.
-This document is for people who believe anything the government tell them.
-This document suggests that people are ignoring the real facts, and believing the governments word.
-I believe at the time this poster was created it was really accurate.

Document Author
-No author.
-The writers motives are to convince Americans that the government will control you as a puppet.

Evidence, Support, and Outcomes
-Not every president completes everything he promises, the affects are believable.
-It uses logic emotion, to persuade its reader and to make it feel that the government does not complete its promises.
-The moral value is that is not good to promise something and not keep it.
-If the audience accepts this message they will see the reality of the government.
-If everyone in the world saw this message people would analyze their government more.

Overall Impression and Conclusions
-The overall impression is that the government can control you if you are on their political side.
-I believe this poster is a persuasive poster because it wants Americans to show how the government controls Americans.

Image B: When I walk in the fields with my soul in the wind..., 10/27/11
2010.54.415 | OMCA COLLECTIONS


-The documents purpose is to get all the Latinos attention and get health care.

The message of this document is to promote health care for all Chicanos and Latinos.

-It is important for this message to be delivered because a lot of Latinos do not have health care so its saying we should protest to get health care.

-The document communicates because it shows the welga bird with two swords. It uses really nice red and yellow. -On the top it says in really big letters, "Raza Health Conference."

-The audience are Latinos and field workers as well.

-The message suggest that the farmers need health care because they work on the fields and they can get sick.

-The beliefs are really accurate because it is directed to all the Latinos and the farmers. Which a lot of Latinos don't have health care til this day. Either we don't qualify or you have to have papers.

Document Author

-Pablo Neruda wrote the message.

-The writers motives is to get all the attention from the Latinos and let them know we can make a change or difference. If we fight for it, all of the Latinos can get health care.

Evidence, Support, and Outcomes

-The details that the documents use are the welga bird. That is a big thing becaus that represents the Latinos.

-The emotions show a good and powerful feeling.

-The audience is likely to feel worried and willing to go fight for their rights.

-The ethical values are used to communicate to the message are Chicano and the picture.

-If the audience accept the message all the Chicanos will come together and make a difference.

-All the farmers and Chicanos will get health care.

Overall Impression and Conclusions

-The overall impression of the message is to tell the Latinos and farmers to get health care.

-I believe is an argument because its trying to fight for the farmers rights.

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